線の可能性 Possibility of Lines

線の可能性 Possibility of Lines  
マーカー Marker on wall  
3331アーツ千代田 メインギャラリー 3331 arts chiyoda main gallery
3331 ALLART!
東京都神田 Tokyo
撮影 3331アーツ千代田 Photo : 3331 arts chiyoda3331(#1 #2 #3 #4 #5)

会場にてアーティストトーク実施 2014年01月


参考資料 会期中に展覧会サイトに掲載された選評の英訳を下記に転載する。

Reference Material : I reprinted the following translations posted on website during the exhibition.




I did not have a chance to meet the artist and talk to her directly, but her work somehow captured my mind and  attracted me to it. Although it was a pencil drawing on a  piece of small wood, there were various elements scattered  on it. The drawing was as if looking deep into the sea and  seeing small fish, large fish, deep-see fish and even  plankton. I chose this work simply because I wanted to  see it on a greater scale. Whather it will be an ocean or  a pond depends on the artist. I look forward to it.
[Koichi Watari (CEO of Watarium Museum of Contemporary Art/Curator)]